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33. Manna For All - I
Summary: Jesus not only talked about mercy for everyone but also manna for everyone – which was threatening to the establishment, those in power. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus says, “give us our daily bread.” Jesus is quoting Proverbs 30:7-9. I don’t want poverty; I don’t need riches. Riches threaten our relationship with God more than anything else. You can’t serve two masters. When a rich farmer has a bumper crop and wants to build a bigger barn, God calls him a fool. What we often hold up as “success”, Jesus calls foolishness. In a worship service the offertory is to remind us that money is not our God. We are called to offer our money in service to God. Giving to God is not giving to a church but rather to the “least of these”, the poor, the marginalized. The Zacchaeus story is one of mercy and manna coming together. Jesus’ message of mercy so overwhelmed Zacchaeus that his gratitude overflowed into generosity. Mercy touches us and we begin to share our manna with others. Salvation comes to a manna and mercy house.